
maroon wave

Michael Waters Presents Works at Virginia Colleges

SALISBURY, MD--Dr. Michael Waters, professor of English in the Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts at Salisbury State University, recently read his poems at Sweet Briar College in Virginia (where he served as Banister Writer-in-Residence during 1987-89). He then began a residency at Longwood College in Farmvile, VA, where he gave two readings, visited creative writing and American Literature classes, and lectured on Whitman to the graduate seminar.

Waters also gave two readings recently in Los Angeles under the auspices of the Towers Perrin Corporation.

Waters will be a featured speaker with Vice President Al Gore and Pulitzer Prize-winner Henry Taylor at the National High School Journalists Conference in Washington D.C. on November 20 and 21.

New work by Waters is forthcoming in Arts and Letters and in the fifth edition of Writing Poems due from Longman in 1999.