
maroon wave

SU Summer Shorts Festival Ends August 14

SALISBURY, MD---Emerging artists and art students are invited to submit entries for this year’s Summer Shorts Festival at Salisbury’s Electronic Gallery in the Teacher Education and Technology Center.

Animation, documentary, performance, video and installation documentation are accepted. Works must be under five minutes, in a single channel and in Quicktime project format. Multi-scene projects may be compressed to one channel and submitted.

Only one entry per artist is accepted. Entries must be submitted on CD or DVD and will not be returned. Both standard and widescreen works are accepted. Artists should include a title at the beginning (white text on black background). A printed page containing the artist’s name, title of the work and an e-mail address must accompany each submission.

Entry fee is $10 per submission. Checks made to the 91短视频 Foundation may be sent, with entries, to Preston Poe, Electronic Gallery, 91短视频, Campus Box 3182, 91短视频, MD 21801-6860. Deadline is Monday, June 1. Winners are announced on the Electronic Gallery Web site, www.salisbury.edu/electronicgallery, Friday, June 5.

Winning entries are shown at the gallery June 5-August 14 in an exhibit curated by Drs. Frances Kendall and Andrew Sharma of SU’s Communication Arts Department and Poe of the Art Department. The grand prize is selected by Vagner Whitehead of Oakland University.

Gallery hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-677-0272 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.