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Riall Lecture Celebrates 25th Year Tuesday, March 12

Les SternbergSALISBURY, MD---91短视频’s E. Pauline Riall Lecture Series in Education celebrates its 25th year with a presentation by University of South Carolina (USC) College of Education Dean Emeritus Les Sternberg.

He speaks on “The Perceptual Cataracts of Educational Policy: Creating Clearer Vision” 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, in Holloway Hall Auditorium.

The E. Pauline Riall Lecture Series is named in honor of its founder, teacher and later principal at SU’s Campus School from 1929-1969. Upon her death in the late 1980s, she left a bequest providing funding for the series, scholarships and an award given annually to an outstanding graduating elementary or early childhood education major.

The series’ purpose is to bring to the University and community outstanding national lecturers in the field of education. Its first speaker, in 1988, was the late Ernest Boyer, who served as president of the Carnegie Foundation.

This semester’s speaker, Sternberg, is currently special assistant to the provost at USC, coordinating public service outreach initiatives. Under his leadership, USC gained prominence as a leading research university in the Professional Development Schools (PDS) movement. A former board member for the National Association for Professional Development Schools, he has been recognized for his influence on the growth of PDS programs in the United States.

Sternberg has been described as the “godfather of PDS” for his role in supporting research, encouraging collaboration and shaping an agenda for political activism by educators. His presentation includes information on U.S. education policy issues and the role PDS can play in educational renewal.

Sponsored by the Samuel W. and Marilyn C. Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies, admission is free and the public is invited.

For more information call 410-543-6393 or visit the Riall Lecture Series Web site at www.salisbury.edu/educationspecialties/riall_lecture.html.