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Lopez to Keynote SU Student Research Conference Apr. 27

SUSRCSALISBURY, MD---The future of mainstream newspapers, the ecological risks of pharmaceuticals and weather trends in Maryland — these are some of the engaging topics explored at Salisbury’s 11th annual Student Research Conference (SUSRC) on Friday, April 27.

Dr. Roel Lopez of the Institute of Renewable and Natural Resources at Texas A&M University kicks off the event during a welcome reception at noon in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center. As the plenary speaker, he discusses “Learning by Doing: Transformational Impact of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity.”

Afterward, over 230 students from all four of SU’s schools give research presentations. Planned are some 116 oral talks and 45 poster displays, as well as two round-tables. Other topics include the marketing of Paranormal Activity 3, and the antibiotic and antitumor properties of coral.

According to Dr. Clifton Griffin, SU’s dean of graduate studies and research, “Dr. Lopez represents an incredible mix of a great scientist, champion of diversity and leader for undergraduate research.”

Roel LopezAs associate director of the institute, Lopez oversees wildlife management, military sustainability and natural resource management. He also teaches in Texas A&M’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.

Lopez began his career as a wildlife biologist for the U.S. Forest Service and then for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He also was a special assistant in the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense, helping establish conservation zones around military bases. He earned a Ph.D. and M.S. in Wildlife Fisheries and Sciences from Texas A&M. He has published over 85 journal articles and book chapters.

The 2012 SUSRC Committee includes SU faculty members Vinita Agarwal, Rachel Buchanan, Ava Carcirieri, Scott Mazzetti, Jonathan Munemo, Suzanne Osman, Dana Price, Dean Ravizza and Christy Weer. The conference showcases and celebrates student accomplishments.

Admission to Lopez’s talk is free and the public is invited. Refreshments will be served. For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.