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Cultural Series Culminates With Permaculture Speaker May 4

SALISBURY, MD---With fuel prices on the rise, Patricia Allison of North Carolina’s Earthaven Ecovillage is reaching more and more people with her call for a sustainable, low-energy-use society. Allison speaks on the principles of permaculture, a design system emulating natural patterns 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 4, in the Great Hall of Holloway Hall as part of SU’s “One Earth, Many Disciplines” spring cultural events series. Topics include maximizing food production with small-scale intensive growing and alternative energy sources. Allison has promoted sustainability in society for more than 20 years, practicing and teaching organic gardening, child-raising, off-grid living, grassroots politics and consensus decision-making. In 1990 she combined her theories on deep ecology with permaculture. She has taught permaculture and consensus decision making throughout the United States and Mexico. A mother and grandmother, she hopes these practices will help preserve the environment for the next generations. In addition to her appearance at SU, Allison speaks at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in 91短视频 11 a.m. Sunday, May 1, on “Sustainability as a Spiritual Path.” A vegan potluck lunch follows from noon-1:45 p.m. She then conducts the hands-on permaculture workshop “We Are the Change: Local Solutions to Global Problems.” Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information on Allison’s SU appearance, call 410-543-6271 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu. For more information on her activities at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship visit www.uufs.net.