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Understanding the Past Helps History Grad Shape the Future

SU alumna Kacie CassarThere’s a lot we can learn from the past as we move forward toward tomorrow. As a graduate of the History Program at Salisbury, Kacie Cassar knows that very well.

After earning her bachelor’s degrees in history, international studies and psychology from SU in 2019, Kacie went on to the Master of Arts in History Program and graduated in 2021. Now, she is studying at Royal Holloway, University of London to earn a master’s degree in public history, continuing the work she started as a graduate student at SU. By the end of the program, she will have produced a children’s book on transatlantic trade that will reach the public.

“I was really fortunate with my program at SU,” Kacie said. “With it being small, there was more room for me to build my own program. I had the freedom to decide where I wanted it to lead me.”

While a student at SU, Kacie’s faculty mentors helped her explore what she was most interested in and led her to unique opportunities. She worked in the historical archives at the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture, took part in campus history clubs, had an internship at Pemberton Historical Park, earned her nonprofit certification, and started working on the children’s book project she is now completing in London. She also served as Graduate Student Council president, where her leadership helped benefit local charities.

As part of her internship at Pemberton, one of her focuses was a reinterpretation of the history of slavery at the site, where she worked with their descendants in the community to see how they wanted their family stories to be told. Now, she is carrying those experiences forward as she meets with professionals in the field to discuss best practices on addressing slavery in the transatlantic trade.

Kacie said her experiences at SU helped her get her foot in the door, and it made her want to learn more about how she can use her passion for history to educate and inspire others. She has been applying for jobs in nonprofit work, civic engagement, history organizations and museums, and someday would like to work in administration.

If there’s one wisdom she’d like to leave with current SU students, she said she hopes they know they have the ability to explore their passions at SU and to take advantage of the amazing opportunities they have, with the campus community to guide them.

“Building towards tomorrow is taking every opportunity you can to explore who you are and who you want to be,” Kacie said. “91短视频 gave me those opportunities.”