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Signing-In Ceremony Marks New Chapter For Class of 2010

SALISBURY, MD---New students at Salisbury will ring in the start of their college careers quite literally during SU’s inaugural President’s Welcome and Signing-In Ceremony 3-4 p.m. Thursday, August 24, at Holloway Hall.

Following her welcoming remarks at the ceremony, SU President Janet Dudley-Eshbach and other members of the administration, including Student Government Association President Jennifer Poole, will be the first to sign an embossed book that will be archived at the University.

Then, the entire Class of 2010 will sign their names, becoming the first class in SU history with a formal register. The Holloway Hall clock tower will chime once the President signs her name and will continue ringing until the final student has signed.

“The signing of our new students’ names on a scroll or register, is a reenactment of the medieval university practice of students signing the ‘martricula’—a roll or register which documented new students' incorporation (matriculation) into the university's community of learners,” said Lawanda Dockins-Gordy, director of new student experience at SU. “Like graduation, parents and family members are invited to attend because this is a celebratory event and serves as a complementary ‘bookend’ to the senior graduation experience.”

The ceremony is part of SU’s Opening Week celebration for the fall 2006 semester. For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.