
maroon wave

October 23 Lecture Covers Chinese Art of Feng Shui 

SALISBURY, MD--Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of living in harmony with nature and the environment.  By the simple reorganization of surroundings on the key principles of movement, light and order, a transformation in fortunes can be accomplished, practitioners believe.   

On Tuesday, October 23, at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center, Jeannie Marie Tower, a Feng Shui consultant and teacher in both London and Washington, D.C., will talk about this ancient Chinese practice.  Her presentation is part of the University’s Fall Spotlight on Asia Series.  Admission is free and the public is cordially invited.

"When I began studying Feng Shui and became aware of the powerful influence our environments have on our mind, body and spirit, I realized that I wanted to help people improve their lives by improving their environments,” said Tower. 

Tower, who has years of practicing Feng Shui, has appeared on NBC and ABC affiliates in Washington D.C., in Washingtonian magazine, the Washington Times, Washington Post and USA Today.  She has published articles for the Feng Shui Journal and the Feng Shui Society Journal, among others.  She currently teaches for the London School of Feng Shui and the London Feng Shui and Bau-biologie Resource Centre.  On this side of the Atlantic, she teaches for First Class, Inc. in Washington, D.C., and is director of the 3 Treasures School of Feng Shui in Alexandria, VA.

Tower has studied classical, Black Hat and Intuitive schools of Feng Shui along with other disciplines including the effects of electro-magnetic fields on the environment and “Bau-biologie” or building biology--the effect of the built environment on human health.  She is one of only some 75 certified Bau-Biologie Environmental Inspectors (BBEI) in the United States.

Tower’s visit is sponsored by the SU Office of Cultural Affairs and Museum Programs.  For information call 410-543-6271 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.