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Cavaglia-Harris Inaugurates 2008 'Mind Shrapnel' Series February 19

SALISBURY, MD---Migration and adaptation-such is the story of many farmers in Rondônia, Brazil.
Dr. Jill Caviglia-Harris, economics faculty at Salisbury, speaks on land-use patterns along the Amazon during an installment of the Bellavance Honors Program’s spring 2008 “Mind Shrapnel ’n’ Cookies” lecture series 4 p.m. Tuesday, February 19, in the SU Honors House.

The topic of her talk is “Shades of Green: Lessons from Fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon.”

Tropical deforestation is a striking form of land cover transformation resulting in a complex mosaic of shifting land-use patterns. Research incorporating information on both the human drivers and geographic patterns is necessary to better understand these processes.

This presentation will discuss both practical and academic lessons learned in experiences from over 10 years of fieldwork conducted in the heavily deforested state of Rondônia, Brazil. Fieldwork involving survey data collection and geographical information systems has lead to realizations about the local flora and fauna and knowledge about how individual farmers use their land, relocate and adjust to the reality of living on the frontier. 

Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-677-5070 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.