
Salisbury students on campus


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QM Rubric Workbook

Instructional Design & Delivery can provide SU faculty and staff with the current edition of the QM Rubric Workbook. If you would like a copy, please contact ID&D at suidd@salisbury.edu or at (410) 677-6585.

QM Online Professional Development​

In addition to the three levels of QM credentials for course reviewers, QM also provides a wide variety of other workshops to expand your knowledge and use of the QM Rubric.

  • A series of seven workshops for online instructors.

  • A variety of workshop topics to help build expertise.

  • QM Success Stories, Online Learning Webinars and Research Webinars are free and open to QM Members. Archives are available online.

QM Instructional Designers Association

The is a special interest group of Quality Matters. Its mission is to promote and improve the quality of online education and student learning through instructional design practice by providing professional development opportunities to strengthen instructional design practice, building community, networking, and fostering mentoring opportunities, promoting quality standards-based practice informed by research and sharing best practices. All SU instructional designers are eligible to join the QM-IDA and participate in their professional development offerings as well as the listserv for designers. You can also find the QM-IDA on Twitter .

Information regarding QM was adapted with permission from our colleagues at .