
Salisbury students on campus

Student Clubs

Student Clubs are student organized, faculty supported groups that engage in extracurricular activities, support departmental scholarship, and organize computer science related events. Participation is optional but encouraged for students that want to extend their computer science experience beyond the classroom. Contact the individual leaders of each group to join or contact the department chair if you're interested in starting your own club.

Cybersecurity Club

The Cybersecurity club is a resource for every student interested in cyber security principles and network penetration (pen) testing. The goal of the club is to empower its members to develop self-guided methods of research and prepare for a career in the cybersecurity industry.

Meeting: Every Friday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Location: Henson Science Hall Room 101
Email: cybersecclub488@gmail.com
Instagram: @cybersecurityclub_su

President: Lathe Edelmann - ledelmann1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Financial Officer: Opeyemi Monehin - omonehin1@gulls.salisbury.edu
System Administrator: Thomas Pearson - tpearson3@gulls.salisbury.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sang-Eon Park - sxpark@salisbury.edu

GULLs Robotics Club

The GULLs Robotics Club is a team that competes against other universities in competitions hosted by VEX Robotics. The competition’s goals and guidelines change each year, so the club creates new robots to meet these new challenges. In this club, students will learn the basics of robot design, programming, building, and manufacturing. The club also regularly organizes community events.

Meeting: Every Wednesday @ 5:00pm
Location: 1412 S 91短视频 Blvd unit 6 ( )
Contact us: 

President: Joseph Sanchez - jsanchez14@gulls.salisbury.edu
Vice President: Jessica Reider - jreider1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Faculty Advisor(s): Dr. Giulia Franchi

Math & Computer Science Club

The Math and Computer Science Club at Salisbury is a vibrant and inclusive student organization that offers academic support while fostering camaraderie and fun. Members meet regularly to discuss topics, collaborate on projects, and exchange knowledge. The club also stands out for alumni involvement, providing networking opportunities and real-world insights. Additionally, we host enjoyable game nights for relaxation and reinforcing academic concepts with fellow members.

Meeting: Bi-weekly on Mondays at 6:00 p.m., although we are flexible and can move it up to 5pm.


  • 2/17/2025
  • 3/3/2025
  • 3/24/2025
  • 4/7/2025

Location: HPCL (Henson 143)

President: Jairik McCauley - jmccauley4@gulls.salisbury.edu 
Vice Presidents: Abigail Pierson
Secretary: Cameron Vinson
Treasurer: Shannon "Sunny" Malloy
Faculty Advisor(s): Dr. Mike Bardzell - mjbardzell@salisbury.edu | Dr. Junyi Tu - jxtu@salisbury.edu

Women in STEM Club

Women in STEM aims to create an environment for underrepresented genders in STEM majors to meet, network, and socialize. We meet twice a month and host a variety of guest speakers, career workshops, and fun relaxing activities such as coloring, trivia, and more! All majors are welcome to participate and learn more about the club. To see current events, follow us on Instagram: @womeninstem_su

Meeting: Every other Wednesday @ 7:00pm
Location: Devilbiss Hall Room 130
Instagram: @womeninstem_su

President: Audrey McNeal - amcneal1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Financial Officer: Lily Barry - lbarry3@gulls.salisbury.edu
System Administrator: Jess Stevens - jstevens13@gulls.salisbury.edu
Faculty Advisor(s): Dr. Giulia Franchi - gxfranchi@salisbury.edu