
Salisbury students on campus

Henson Research & Faculty Development Committee

The Committee Role

  • Evaluates original proposals and provides financial support for student-initiated research activities.
  • Reviews faculty travel requests and provides financial support to promote professional development.
  • Assists in the evaluation process for the Guerrieri Undergraduate Research Summer Program.

The Committee Composition

The committee has eleven voting members: one representative from the Henson Dean’s Office and two representatives from each of the Henson School departments, elected by their respective departments. The committee elects its chairperson annually.

Current Committee Members

  • Biological Sciences: Anna Jo Auerbach, Xuan Chen
  • Chemistry: Jose Juncosa, Anthony Rojas (Committee Chair)
  • Geography & Geosciences: Darren Parnell, Gina Bloodworth
  • Mathematics & Computer Science: Sarah Wesolowski, Yaping Jing
  • Physics: Nicholas Troup, Steven Binz
  • Dean’s Office: Ryan Shifler

Meeting Information

Committee meetings are held upon the committee chair’s request and are typically held in the Henson Dean’s conference room.  For updated meeting information, please contact the committee chair.